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17 September 2024

CarnaLife Holo mixed reality 3D holographic imaging technology joins another hospital.

Doctors at the Bieganski Hospital in Lodz, Poland keep up with the times by using the latest medical technology to help patients. By using our software, doctors can better interpret patients’ diagnostic imaging data, which significantly contributes to improving the quality of treatment and reducing treatment time.   

We would like to thank the wonderful promoters involved in promoting the latest CarnaLife Holo medical technology. In particular, the doctors, the hospital management and our business partners.  

What is CarnaLife Holo  

CarnaLife Holo is a breakthrough technology for 3D visualization of diagnostic imaging data to support the planning and execution of medical procedures. With the help of Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 goggles, the doctor sees a 3D hologram in real space, representing the structure of the imaged anatomical area. The user can interact with the projected hologram, including rotating, scaling, moving or going inside the anatomical structures – using gestures and voice commands, without losing sterility. Among other things, the system offers the possibility to reduce the time of procedures, increase the precision of their execution, and reduce complications for patients.  

Watch the video on TVP Łódź:  

MedApp – Empowering people for better health.   


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