MedApp, an innovative technology company listed on NewConnect, is actively monitoring funding opportunities from the National Reconstruction Plan (NTP) for technological upgrades of Polish hospitals. The company hopes to obtain financial support from these funds to promote its advanced CarnaLife Holo technology in medical facilities. MedApp CEO David Odrakiewicz, in an interview with ISBnews, stressed the strategic importance of the domestic market for the company.
“We want to be one of the beneficiaries of the multi-billion dollar outlay from the KPO fund. We will gradually offer our CarnaLife Holo technology to more hospitals, so the domestic market remains very important to us,” Odrakiewicz said.
The company’s president also pointed out that, according to media reports, up to PLN 10 billion could go to some 200 Polish hospitals. “These are funds that should also upgrade the equipment base we have so far. For us as an entity offering modern medical technologies, this is quite a challenge, but also an opportunity for potentially big sales successes on the Polish market,” he said. – added the CEO.
MedApp is also expanding its services into new medical specialties, including dentistry. „Nowy segment to stomatologia, gdzie przy bardziej skomplikowanych zabiegach lekarze mogą skorzystać z naszego obrazowania 3D/4D. W tym konkretnym przypadku bardziej liczymy na klientów zagranicznych, choć jak wspomniałem, jest to rozwiązanie uniwersalne dla wszystkich większych klinik stomatologicznych” – wyjaśnił Odrakiewicz.
The key market for MedApp remains the United States. W maju br. firma założyła tam spółkę zależną MedApp USA Inc. wspólnie z partnerem Habeelem Gazim. MedApp planuje osiągnąć pierwsze sukcesy operacyjne jeszcze w tym roku. „Podtrzymujemy te deklaracje. Najbliższe tygodnie na amerykańskim rynku mają być dla nas udane” – podkreślił prezes.
The company also plans to expand its CarnaLife Holo product with another FDA certification, related to the use of the technology for intraoperative procedures. „Planujemy złożyć wniosek o kolejny certyfikat FDA do końca bieżącego roku” – zapowiedział Odrakiewicz.
MedApp is a company offering innovative, unique software solutions for next-generation diagnostic imaging and digital medicine. Its technologies, based on artificial intelligence, mixed reality and 3D imaging, are used in a wide range of medical fields, such as cardiology, diabetology, oncology surgery and many others.
MedApp – Empowering people for better health.