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19 September 2024

Panel discussion as part of Krynica Forum 2024 with MedApp participation.

The panel discussion within Krynica Forum 2024 “European Entrepreneurial Region: how do Malopolska’s start-ups implement the innovative solutions of the future?” with the participation of Maciej Stanuch, CarnaLife Holo Technology Manager at MedApp S.A., is behind us.

The Krynica Forum is one of the most important political and economic events in Poland and the Central and Eastern European region. They organize this three-day conference every year in Krynica-Zdrój. The purpose of the Forum is to create a space for an in-depth debate on the most important challenges, economic challenges facing Poland and the region. During the event, a number of panel discussions are held with politicians, scientists, experts, representatives of business and civil society.

The Małopolska region received a special mention in the “European Entrepreneurial Region 2024” competition announced by the Committee of the Regions of the European Union. During the panel, the listeners could find out: what made Malopolska receive such a prestigious distinction? How does the local government of Małopolska cooperate with local startups to support the development of innovation in enterprises? What innovative technologies, implemented by startups, have the greatest potential to revolutionize the market at the European and global level?

Experts from Malopolska gathered around science, business, technology, and local authorities answered these extremely important questions. We are extremely pleased that one of the invited speakers on the panel was our manager, Maciej Stanuch. This confirms our leading role in Malopolska’s startup and technology ecosystem.

MedApp – Empowering people for better health.

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