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Polish Technological Bridges – Mexico

Contract number: UG-PMT/2670/1N/2021-MEX

Objective of the project

The project aims to promote and expand MedApp to the Mexican market through the sale of CarnaLife Holo and CarnaLife System software.

Project effects:

The project will contribute to the development of an effective strategy for entering the Mexican market and its implementation with the support of the Foreign Trade Offices of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency. The project will increase the number of foreign trade contracts and an increase in sales revenues in the Mexican market.


The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 – Priority axis III „Support for innovation in enterprises”, Measure 3.3 „Support for promotion and internationalisation of innovative enterprises”, Sub-measure 3.3.1 “Polish Technological Bridges”. The project is implemented in the frame of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency call: Polish Technological Bridges.

Project value:

180 000 PLN

European Funds contribution:

180 000 PLN