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We Are Health Champions – Disrupting the European Healthcare Systems with Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Applications

Contract number: 101161333

Objective of the project

Objective of the project:

The aim of the project is to reduce market barriers for VR/AR applications in healthcare in less developed European regions by eliminating gaps in the value chains of five SMEs and adapting innovation support services for other SMEs in the VR/AR sector in healthcare. The project will raise the technology readiness level of VR/AR innovation from TRL 6 to TRL 9 in the field of medical navigation during surgical procedures, therapeutic immersive games, cognitive assessment, education of doctors and students, and adaptation of VR goggles for medical applications.

The project aims to:

– reduce the innovation gap between Europe’s developed and less developed regions;
– prepare the healthcare sector for the next technological transformation,
– integrate European XR innovations into healthcare reimbursement schemes through interregional cooperation, creating new European value chains and mitigating market barriers, building on the different strengths of the partnership.

The project is implemented in a consortium of 17 partners from Portugal, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Latvia, Hungary and Poland.

As part of the project, the company will be responsible for developing VR/AR technology for medical navigation for intraoperative applications, so that surgeons can obtain more precise images and information in real time, which will increase the accuracy and safety of surgical procedures.


Project value: EUR 7,881,329, 46, including for MedApp S.A. EUR 896,150.68

European Funds contribution: EUR 5,816,922.00 including for MedApp S.A. EUR 627,305.00

The Project Website:

Project value:

7 881 329, 46 EUR

European Funds contribution:

5 816 922,00 EUR