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17 June 2021

OPERATION HOLOGRAM – CarnaLife Holo, or technology that will blow your mind!

What can Dr. Maciej Kawecki and Filip Chajzer say about our revolutionary CarnaLife Holo technology for 3D medical data visualization? What does surgery for a rare cancer using a hologram look like? How does the latest technology save lives? How does it work? For the curious, we recommend an episode of “W głowie się nie mieści!” to answer these questions!

A huge thank you to the excellent medical staff:

  • Prof. Grażyna Lisowska, MD PhD – Medical University of Silesia
  • Prof. Maciej Misiołek, MD PhD – Medical University of Silesia
  • Prof. Marcin Kurzyna, MD PhD – European Health Centre Otwock

who agreed to share their experiences in the operating room with the audience, talking about how CarnaLife Holo benefits both patients and doctors.

Special thanks to the Specialist Hospital in Zabrze and the whole team of the Clinical Department of Internal Medicine, Dermatology and Allergology for their help in shooting the video.


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