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End-to-end multidisciplinary optimal design for improved personalized bioactive glass/ceramic bone substitute implants

Contract number: 101119884

Objective of the project

ReBone is a four-year Doctoral Network funded by the Europe Horizon Marie Skłodowska programme (MSCA-DN), aiming at innovatively training a new generation of researchers to develop a multidisciplinary optimization process aimed at providing technologies for personalized bone-substitute implants based on bioactive ceramics to address the health and societal burdens of trauma and bone diseases. The ultimate scientific goal is to construct a platform of computational tools that will enable clinical experts to produce customized bone graft substitutes for the treatment of critical-size bone defects. This innovation will ensure that an ideal treatment solution is found on a patient-specific basis in terms of: i) mechanical and mechano-biological performance, ii) surgical implantability, and iii) manufacturing process reliability.

The musculoskeletal system is extremely vulnerable to ageing and traumatic events, and common clinical conditions often exert a high burden on the clinical system. For patients requiring bone-substitute implants to treat critical-size bone defects, new solutions are required for meeting important unmet needs: personalised solutions for better clinical outcomes; improvements in materials to ensure higher mechanical reliability without compromising bioactive and bioresorbable properties; optimised manufacturing technologies for materials and products of high reliability and quality.

As part of the project, the company will conduct research in the field of use of mixed reality for planning of implant surgery for bone defects of irregular shapes.

The project website:


Project value:

199 296 EUR

European Funds contribution:

199 296 EUR