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Intraoperative navigation system based on mixed reality to support the precision, comfort and safety of medical procedures.

Contract number: POIR.01.01.01-00-1115/21-00

Objective of the project

The goal of the project is to develop CarnaLife Holo MedNav, the world’s first tool to actively assist physicians in performing all types of needle biopsies, based on mixed reality (MR) technology and spatial holographic visualization.


Outcomes of the project

The outcome of the project will be a system that actively supports the work of physicians, especially less experienced ones, both in planning and carrying out biopsies. The system is intended to increase the precision, safety, and efficiency of performing this type of procedures.

The system for intraoperative navigation in biopsy procedures developed as a result of the project will be implemented by MedApp S.A., by introducing the results of R&D work in the project into business activity and selling the system to entities providing healthcare services (hospitals, clinics and other healthcare centers performing invasive diagnostic tests) and medical universities operating in Poland.

The developed system for intraoperative navigation will be a universal product, ultimately usable by medical units worldwide.


Scientific publications:

[1] Florkowska, A., Trojak, M., Celniak, W., Stanuch, M., Daniol, M., & Skalski, A. (2023, October). Metrological Analysis of HoloLens 2 for Visual Marker-Based Surgical Navigation. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

[2] Trojak, M., Stanuch, M., Kurzyna, M., Darocha, S., & Skalski, A. (2024). Mixed Reality Biopsy Navigation System Utilizing Markerless Needle Tracking and Imaging Data Superimposition. Cancers, 16(10), 1894.


The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 – Priority axis I „Promoting innovation capacities for a more competitive area”, Measure 1.1 „R&D projects for enterprises”, Sub-measure 1.1.1 ” Industrial research and development works carried out by enterprises”. The project is implemented in the frame of the National Centre for Research and Development call: Fast Track.

Project value:

4 909 753,70 PLN

European Funds contribution:

3 629 393,07 PLN