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Valve-in-valve procedure in the mitral position with the use of CarnaLife Holo technology

Product:  CarnaLife Holo Client 1st Department of Cardiology and the Department of Cardiac Surgery UCK Gdańsk

Valve-in-valve is a method of treating the dysfunction of a previously implanted biological valve, which has ceased to function as a result of degeneration after many years.

The use of access from the femoral vein and then trans-septal puncture did not require reopening the chest, which significantly improved the patient’s safety and shortened the time of his rehabilitation after the procedure.

The procedure was monitored with three-dimensional echocardiography, thanks to which the medical team had detailed insight into the structure of the heart and valves. Thanks to the hologram generated in real-time, the operator could track the position of the inserted catheter and valve more accurately than usual.

The use of the CarnaLife Holo 3D medical data visualization technology was very well received by cardiac surgeons and interventional cardiologists participating in the procedure.

The film was made thanks to courtesy of the Management of the Uniwersyteckie Centrum Kliniczne w Gdansku.

Special thanks to the Team of the 1st Department of Cardiology and the Department of Cardiac Surgery UCK Gdańsk, composed of:

▪ Prof. Dr hab. Marcin Fijałkowski
▪ Dr n. med. Radosław Targoński
▪ Dr hab. n. med. Dariusz Jagielak
▪ Dr n. med. Dariusz Ciećwierz

Technical support during the procedure was provided by: Jakub Kasprzak i Adam Stawiński z MedApp S.A.

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