A A+ A++
01 July 2021

Neo Hospital

At NEO Hospital , innovative Carna Life Holo technology is used to perform oncologic treatments for unresectable primary liver tumors and metastatic tumors. CarnaLife Holo allows the surgeon to accurately image and locate lesions, which affects the safety of the procedure, the ability to perform it in a short amount of time, and to perform a targeted procedure. NEO Hospital is also using CarnaLife Holo’s 3D visualization of imaging medical data for a research and development project in gynecologic oncology. Within the project, CarnaLife Holo supports treatment planning. The hologram makes visible the complex spatial relationships between anatomical structures, which is extremely important when planning oncology treatments. The innovative CarnaLife System is also used by the Obesity Clinic at NEO Hospital to record medical data for efficient collection and analysis. The measurements collected and analyzed by CarnaLife System can be used by metabolic surgery specialists, cardiologists, pulmonologists, diabetologists, and physicians of other specialties. We appreciate the innovation and effectiveness of solutions prepared by MedApp S.A. We are also pleased with the ongoing collaboration, support and service offered by the MedApp S.A. team.


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